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Yo, Rumores Silencio

A solo piece directed and performed by Dora Arreola.
     In 2009, Dora Arreola began a multi-year performance research project based on Telares (o el olvido) / Looms (or, the forgetting) a three-part play about colonization and memory, by Fabiola Ruiz.  In 2009, Arreola was one of five women artists selected globally for "Meetings with Remarkable Women: Investigating Women's Contribution to Grotowski's Cross-Cultural Performance Research," organized by Dr. Virginie Magnat. While in residence in Wroclaw, Poland, Arreola began developing the first part of the trilogy as a solo performance, titled "Yo, Rumores Silencio."  My objective of the process was to investigate more deeply the relationship between traditional practices and contemporary performance; and more broadly, the relationship between a sacred action and a performative action.
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